Tell The TRUTH!

Here is some food for thought:

According to an ancient Hindu teaching, if you can only speak the truth and tell no lies—either miniscule or outrageous—for 12 consecutive years, you can attain enlightenment. I guess many of you are saying “oh well I guess I will never be enlightened” ha, ha.

But seriously, most of us perceive ourselves to be honest and forthright, never intentionally lying, but most of us have been taught through life’s experience to mask our true thoughts, pad our words, or simply avoid a response. We attempt to convince ourselves that a “little white lie” doesn’t matter.

The spiritual truth is: Everything matters.

Many people, however, are unclear as to what the truth is, because they haven’t told the truth to themselves for so long that they no longer recognize what the truth is. They say it doesn’t matter, when it does; convincing themselves that no one will notice or everyone cheats just a little. All such justifications are negative, even inferior, thoughts and behaviors.
A spiritual principle known to always be true is: The truth will always emerge. And when you tell the truth, there is a whole lot less to remember. 🙂

A noble being will always tell the truth. Do you? Begin now with the first step of simply noticing if you do tell the truth immediately, or if your first instinct is to pad or alter the facts a bit.

If you notice you are regularly withholding the complete truth, resolve today to be honest especially with yourself. Know it is safe to be truthful. Like many lifestyle changes, resolve to tell the truth one day at a time.

Hey, I never said it was easy but look at it this way after 4,383 days you just may become enlightened.

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